For more than 20 years, Faith United Ministries (Faith) has served Washington, DC’s and Prince George’s Country corridor through community revitalization, family building activities, and consistent spiritual direction. While Faith has a proven track record of meeting its community’s needs, it was clear that; individuals in the area still appeared to be slipping through the cracks of society.  Whether persons were engaged in drugs or suffering from emotional struggles, or simply having a hard time with “LIFE”’; the truth is that they would never reach their potential without a “web of services” that was as comprehensive as the activities in which they chose to participate. 

In direct response, the EXTENDED HANDS INC. OUTREACH program was founded. While an outgrowth of Faith United Ministries, The mission of EXTENDED HANDS INC. OUTREACH  is to help men, women and  children achieve wholeness through increased learning capacity and creating an outlet for positive emotional expression. This program is also designed to provide support and opportunities to improve personal growth through, life skills. Not only is this program designed to meet the needs of individuals (inwardly), it is also intended to meet the needs of persons (outwardly). By such, we provide clothes, toiletries, and have had countless dinners and giveaways. 

To date, EXTENDED HANDS INC. OUTREACH  has worked with a team of highly skilled, volunteers, who have a passion for helping each individual unleash the greatness that resides within.  Their earnest desire is to enhance the individual's quality of life; has caused them to donate several hours of their time and personal financial resources to ensuring that people become more than just an addition to alarming statistical data.

Previous interactions with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s community development division, the Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Community Action Group, the Howard University School of Divinity “Bridge Over Troubled Water” Program, along with countless shelters and programs have all helped EXTENDED HANDS INC. OUTREACH create a program that better addresses the needs that our communities encounter.




Dr. Pamela D. Sturdivant is a multi-faceted teacher who has been assigned by God to liberate women from emotional, physical, and psychological bondages.   She consistently moves with a level of transparency that causes people to understand that God can and is waiting to heal the depths of pain that we experience.   The gift of God on her life moves her to minister with the skill and precision of a surgeon as she “rightly divides” God’s Word and is used to unlock the shackles that seek to hold His people.

Dr. Sturdivant’s down-to-earth yet powerful delivery of the Word has been instrumental in touching the lives of thousands of woman both nationally and internationally. Noted for her signature teaching on “GENERATIONAL CURSES: BREAKING THE TIES THAT BIND,” Dr. Sturdivant’s passion for women has challenged women of all ages and ethnicities to reach their destiny with a greater sense of purpose and wholeness.